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         8.1.3 Mail <Alt-U>

         Queue manager   Allows you to manipulate the current mail
                         queue. If no mail event is active, the mail
                         queue is empty. The mail queue is described
                         in a separate section.

         Undialable manager
                         Allows you to manipulate systems marked as
                         undialable. This is discussed in a separate

         Forced poll     Creates a priority entry in the mail queue
                         for the specified system. If an entry for the
                         specified system already exists in the queue,
                         its status is set to priority. If FD has to
                         re-scan the message base, the temporary poll
                         is removed from the mail queue.

         Request files   Allows you to create a temporary file request
                         to the specified system. If FD has to re-scan
                         the message base, the temporary file request
                         is removed from the mail queue.

         Transmit files
                         Allows you to transmit files to the specified
                         system. As with the poll and request function
                         (above), this is only a temporary function;
                         if FD has to re-scan the message base, the
                         entry is removed from the mail queue.

         Send mail       Allows you to create a temporary mail packet
                         for the specified system. You can choose to
                         include all or high-priority mail. If FD has
                         to re-scan the message base, the entry is
                         removed from the mail queue.

         Your profile
             Answer      Allows you to toggle the manual answer
                         status. This option is only valid if you have
                         enabled the manual answer option in FDSETUP.
                         Note that if you manually toggle this option,
                         the Mailer will honor the new setting until
                         it exits.

             Printer     Allows you to toggle the printing of new
                         (incoming) messages. This option is not
                         available in the noncommercial version.

             Human callers
                         Allows you to toggle whether or not you want
                         FD to accept human callers.

                         This option is only valid if you are not
                         running FD in mail-only mode.

             Exit on mail
                         Allows you to toggle whether or not FD should
                         exit when mail has been received. This option
                         is only valid if an errorlevel for received
                         mail has been specified in FDSETUP and the
                         active event (if any) specifies that FD
                         should exit when mail has been received.

             Which AKA   Allows you to select a different AKA to
                         operate under. The specified AKA will be
                         active until FD exits or you select a new AKA
                         to operate under. Note that this does not
                         effect the AKA matching function of FD.

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